
Spatzle (German Noodles)

Spätzle, hergestellt mit Spätzlehobel


I recently went to Germany and had the chance to experience real German Spatzle. I’ve been making them for years since my mother went in the early 90’s and I have to say I think I like my whole wheat version better.  This is great as a side or in Chicken Noodle soup with much less work.

If you don’t have a Spatzle Maker use a cheese grater with large holes and a tuna can with both ends taken off.

A "hopper" (hobel) type spätzle maker

Image via Wikipedia


2 c whole wheat flour
2 eggs
1 tsp salt
3/4 c whole milk
Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Meanwhile, mix the eggs & milk together then add to flour and salt. Stir just till comes together as a soft almost runny dough.  Plop the dough into the plastic part of the spatzle maker or the tuna can that is on the cheese grater. Stradle the spatzle maker or cheese grater across the top of the pan and run the can across the top as the dough drops into the boiling water. It’s done as it floats to the top.

We eat this as a side dish with butter or you can fry it in onions, butter and Swiss or parmesan cheese. We also use these in homemade chicken noodle soup. So much faster than rolling out dough and cutting into noodles.

Nourishing your Spirit

Check out this link. This is something new for me so I hope the link works.

I love TED conferences. If you haven’t ever watch one you should. or Youtube has them.  But this one was with the conductor Eric Whitacre. Actually I’ve never heard of him until today. But he put together a 2,000 voice virtual choir with clips of people singing his music all over the world.  It’s absolutely amazing and will make you feel like a better person for listening.  I have to remember not to just nourish my body with healthy foods but nourish my spirit with healthy music & art.

Amy’s got a new blog!

Ok so I receive so many requests for my recipes and why I have changed my families eating habits. So instead of constantly emailing people those recipes and links I am trying to put it all here. This is mostly for family and friends. If you find something you like and think a friend would like it feel free to send them to this blog. I love to share but I appreciate the credit.  I also get lots of recipes from other bloggers and I will try very hard to be honest and give them the credit. So often I may just have a link to their website and you can get the recipe there. If you try something and made a change please leave a comment so I can know what you tried. If you have ideas. Let me know.

Interesting Title

I was inspired by this when about a month ago I was trying to balance all my whole foods cooking, cleaning, quilting, being a mom and church callings.  I want this blog to mainly be about whole foods but I will occasionally post about finding balance and canning and good cleaning ideas, etc. Things that I find interesting that provide us with a more well rounded life.